
The Summer of 2020

The summer of 2020 has been challenging for everyone. We’ve been asked to mask up, wash rinse and repeat, stand six feet apart, and stay home. Ruth and I have followed the directions as prescribed but still managed to keep life interesting.  In June we explored homes in Holland and Saugatuck because two of our …

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Current Events

Hogan, Hagen, and Proben

I play golf every Wednesday morning in a two man “senior” scramble at the The Grande in Jackson.  You must be at least sixty years old to participate. I started playing right after I retired.  I’ve had two partners for the past baker’s dozen years.  Early on my partner and I placed “in the money” …

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Life Lessons

You Can’t Take It Personally

I worked in public education for forty years.  The longer I worked, the less I knew. Knowing what you don’t know may be the most important thing to know. Public education is a challenging career.  You deal with the two things that matter most to parents, their children and their money.  Everyone has been to …

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About five years ago we placed our house on Grand Point Drive up “for sale by owner”. We had purchased a condo just outside Traverse City and considered moving to the Grand Traverse Resort Community. We remodeled a third story walk-up that proved to be too much climbing for me. I had recently completed knee …

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