

Friday will mark Ruth and my 49th wedding anniversary.  I think we both believe that our 49th year has been one of the most unusual.  The coronavirus, all the “matters”, peaceful and destructive protests, and an extremely contentious national election have dominated the news.  I’m longing for the national unrest to settle and hoping that …

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Life Lessons

A Monumental Visit

Ruth and I are in route to Mount Rushmore. We’ve never been and decided to take advantage of the $12.50 one-way fare on Frontier Airlines. We had originally planned to attend Brady’s football game in northern Michigan this week-end and then make the drive west, but the cancellation of high school football in Michigan changed …

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Current Events


I’m not sure where you stand regarding the current status of the United States Postal Service. As the Feds deal with the current funding issues for the USPS, some have promoted the concept of mass mail-in ballots for the November election. Without getting involved in the politics of the current situation, I believe service should …

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Life Lessons

First Days

My first day as a teacher took place fifty-one years ago.  My first as an elementary school principal was forty-three, and I started my superintendent gig twenty-nine years ago.  All were memorable, but I expect none will be as memorable as the first day of school for students this year. My first day of teaching …

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Current Events

Friendly Competition

Brady vs. TGO If you read my last story you know that I asked for your help in judging a poetry writing contest. I’d like to thank all of you who read and responded. I appreciate those of you who read and chose to let others decide the outcome. If you didn’t read it, shame …

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Great Poets?

When I Was One-and-Twenty BY A. E. HOUSMAN When I was one-and-twenty        I heard a wise man say, “Give crowns and pounds and guineas        But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies        But keep your fancy free.” But I was one-and-twenty,        No use to talk to me. When I was …

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Life Lessons

Between 10 and 2

My sister, Jackie, has a friend, Ted, that’s been a salesmen for the 30 plus years I’ve known him.  My first recollection of him is as a medical supply salesmen.  During that run he also sold shoes on Tuesday evenings.  He’s a few years older than me, but he’s still hitting the bricks.  Medical supplies …

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Gail and Gwen

It’s funny how names get connected.  My twin cousins have always been Gail and Gwen, never Gwen and Gail.  Mom and Dad  referred to them as “the twins”.  “Get ready we’re going to see the twins.” or “We’re meeting the twins at the lake.”  Things like that. They’re the daughters of my Aunt Gert and …

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Current Events

Covid 19 and My Kids’ Inheritance

I play poker with a group every two weeks.  Nothing big.  Just a friendly game.  My friend, Dave, and I are the last of the original group that started forty-three years ago.  Players have wandered in and out, but most stay until they move away.  The majority of the  current  group has been playing for …

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