

My three children, their spouses, and now my two grandchildren, have chosen to take part in a myriad of activities. They’re athletes, musicians, singers, dancers, thespians, and orators. I’ve attended many events, and while there have been numerous others participating, I focused on the members of my family. I wanted them to do their best …

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MRNA turned 73 yesterday.  MRNA is Ruth’s self proclaimed nickname.  It stands for Mom, Ruth, Nana, Altogether.  This is my favorite time of the year because for 48 days, four dozen days if you prefer, she’s a year older than me.  For the statisticians out there, that computes to … 4,147,200 seconds 69,120 minutes 1,152 …

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Three Toasts

I’ve had the opportunity to offer up several “toasts” at a dinner.  My first took place when I was eighteen.  I was the best man at my cousin, Gene’s, wedding.  Another followed when I was about to turn twenty-two and served as best man for my friend, Mitch.   I was in my late forties …

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Childhood Memories

Polio Pioneer

Sixty-six years ago, I was a Polio Pioneer.  I still have a certificate and Polio Pioneer pin to prove it.  I was seven years old and in Mrs. Davies second grade class at Lincoln Elementary.  Being a “pioneer” was a big deal.   Polio, short for poliomyelitis, or infantile paralysis, is an infectious disease caused …

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Life Lessons

Report Cards and Relationships

Although I’m a career educator, I’m not a fan of report cards.  I didn’t like receiving them when I was a student, didn’t like completing them as a teacher, and I totally despised all the studies we did when I served as an administrator.  No matter what system was developed, parents wanted things to be …

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Current Events Life Lessons Random Thoughts

The Coronavirus and Me

The current health crisis has brought great uncertainty to the world.  People want guidance, answers, deadlines, and most of all, they want to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The problem is compounded by the fact that no one knows how long the tunnel is. We’re not used to the inconvenience that …

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Life Lessons

Who Needs Toilet Paper

The first time I saw a bidet was about forty-five years ago.   One of my friends, Lyndon, was building a new house, and he took me on an impromptu tour.  He was having great success in his new business, selling student accident insurance to K-12 schools and colleges throughout Michigan and the surrounding states. …

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