Life Lessons

March Madness

The current world health crisis has brought great change to all of us.  We’re learning new things every day, and quite frankly, each day is a bit scarier than the last.  One of the first national casualties was the cancellation of the NCAA’s college basketball tournaments and the annual basketball season known as March Madness. …

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Career lessons

Iola Jean

I’ve worked with hundreds of staff members over my career.  I can count on two fingers how many of their middle names I can recall, and I’m not really sure about the second.  I don’t know why Iola Jean Perkins sticks, but it does. I’ve included a couple more reflections regarding Miss Perkins below. Another …

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Current Events


  Cattywampus and catawampus are used interchangeably.   If you check with Webster you’ll probably find catawampus.   I prefer Google’s more liberal approach, cattywampus.  If you examine the word in more detail, you’ll discover that for my purposes, I should follow Webster’s lead. That’s how my brain has been since my surgery – catawampus.  …

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The Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy is a fantasy figure of early childhood in Western and Western-influenced cultures.  The folklore states that when children lose one of their baby teeth, they should place it underneath their pillow or on their bedside table, and the Tooth Fairy will visit while they sleep, replacing the lost tooth with a small …

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Life Lessons

You’re Not Going to Believe This

I know you’re not going to believe this, I really can’t believe it myself, but I’ve been approached to appear in the re-release of a current film.  I can’t share a lot about my good fortune as the deal is just in the beginning stages, but this appears to have legs.  They’ve gone so far …

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Current Events

I Have a New Knee

I had surgery last Friday to have my right knee replaced.  That’s how Ruth and I celebrated Valentine’s Day.  If you are reading this on Sunday, February 16th, that means I’m home from the hospital and aware of my surroundings well enough to push the “post button”. I had my left knee replaced on September …

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