
Our First Date

Friday, February 14th, marks the 50th anniversary of the first time that Ruth and I went on an official date.  We’d known each other since the prior August, rode in a car pool with another first year teacher, flirted with each other on several occasions, discussed and met other people we were dating,  but never …

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Danny Lee and Me

My parents almost named me Danny Lee.  I’m glad they didn’t.  It’s a perfectly good name, and if that’s yours,  good for you.   No offense, but it’s just not for me. My mom said  Danny Lee was really the only name that my father and she discussed.  They also decided  there would be no …

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Life Lessons


I met Chuck during my freshman year of college.  He was one a several suite-mates I had that year.   My roommate, Don, and I made it the entire year together, but we went through at least four different suite-mates.   Paul was from Jackson, Greg from Grosse Pointe, Steve from assorted bars throughout the …

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Sergeant Stephen Storm

I was never in the military.  Had I been drafted, I would have served.  I never considered  volunteering. My prime service years coincided with the war in Vietnam.  I signed up for the selective service as required when I turned eighteen.  Shortly after that I started college and received a student deferment while I continued …

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Life Lessons

Jay and the Americans

Ruth and I attended a concert last Sunday night.  It was a nostalgic walk through the history of Motown.  We had a great trip.  We knew all of the songs and danced in our  seats for the full hour and forty-five minutes. Prior to the concert I stepped into the restroom to prepare for the …

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Life Lessons

More About the Wesco Station

I got the Mustang back several months before that August interview.  It went well, and I was offered a job before I left that night.  I would be teaching six sections of seventh grade English, or two sections of geography and four sections of English.  Mr. Hindbaugh asked if I had a preference.  “Yes, I’d …

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