Life Lessons

The Wesco Gas Station

The summer between my sophomore and junior year at Western, I bought a 1967 Mustang convertible. It was silver with a black top.  If I was any cooler after that purchase, I would have been twins.   My parents helped me look for the car, arrange for the loan, and added the Mustang to their …

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Life Lessons

10,000 Steps

Ruth bought me a “step counting” device for Christmas. It will do more than that.  It’s a watch, a calendar,  keeps track of your heart rate, calories burned, miles traveled, sleep patterns, and numerous other things.   I wear it all the time.  The package and promo material encourage you to take 10,000 steps each …

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Life Lessons

12 Chapters 365 Pages

Ruth and I have made some wonderful new friends in Florida. The girls do girl things, the guys do guy things, and we all do things together. Last year, the girls assembled several pictures. The assembly involved building frames (one guy helped) and painting motivational quotations on a canvas. The girls hung some up, gave …

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Life Lessons

December Weddings

I don’t understand why people get married in December.  The month is full of celebrations as it is, so why not wait until Spring when the weather is nicer, birds are singing, and flowers are blooming.  You know what I mean.  Perhaps people are looking for the benefit of filing a joint tax return in …

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Go Hard Eva

When we arrived in Michigan last week I asked Eva how they introduced each swimmer at her swim meet. I expected something like, “Ladies and gentleman, Please draw your attention to lane one where Eva Tebo will be representing Hamilton Middle School.” And then I asked, “Do you think that they would let me be …

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Life Lessons

Mail Service

Ruth and I have our mail forwarded from Michigan to Florida each winter.  Each year brings a new challenge.  I fill out all the papers as instructed, cross my fingers, and hope that everything works out.  I make it a point to meet with the post mistress each year to make sure that I do everything …

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Current Events

Another Near Miss

You’re going to think I’ve got a gambling problem after you read this tale.  I don’t.  I’ve got a winning problem. Ruth and I were out west for a couple of weeks.  We left on November 20th and returned on December 4th.  We flew in and out of  Las Vegas, and stayed nine days in …

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Brady plays his first high school basketball game on Tuesday. If you’re reading this on Sunday or Monday you still have time to join Ruth and me in  Coopersville, Michigan for the 4:00 p.m. tipoff. We’re flying up to see him play.  We’ll also get to see his second game on Thursday and Eva’s middle …

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