Life Lessons

Did You Get Any Lip?

“In the olden times”, as my granddaughter might call my college years, all of the dorms on Western’s campus were designated as being either male or female.  Girls had to be in the dorm by 11:00 p.m. through the week and 1:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.  The guys had no restrictions.  We came and …

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Life Lessons

Two Jacks

I was scheduled to attend the promotional land purchase program around 11:00 a.m. on Friday.  I listened to the pitch with no intention of purchasing a piece of property but “the deal” was too much for me to resist.  It was the “opportunity of a lifetime” and only cost $26.00 a month. The land speculators …

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Life Lessons

For Allyson Smith (and my Aunt Ruth)

Like many of my Facebook followers,  Allyson wished Ruth and me “happy anniversary” this past Wednesday.  We only met a few times over her 40 plus years.  Our last communication was on-line a couple of years ago when her dad passed.  We have only one thing in common, her parents,  and especially her dad.  So …

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Current Events


I had my left knee replaced in 2015.  The surgery went well and I have no regrets from having the procedure completed.  One life-long change  is the requirement to take a large dose of an antibiotic  prior to each dental appointment.  The drug that my doctor chose is Amoxicillin. I must take it one hour …

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Career lessons

Back To School

  This is the first week back to school for tens of thousands of students.  For others its just “back” after a long week-end.  Schools in Michigan have been having “first days back” for the past couple of weeks.  It’s another one of those location – location deals. I started my career in education fifty …

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Life Lessons

I Went to a (Beer) Garden Party

Growing up in suburban Detroit, I occasionally heard my dad say that he was going to a beer garden.  He wasn’t a big drinker, but I assumed that he liked a beer now and then.  As I got older I learned that many beer gardens are outdoor areas where beer and local food are served.  …

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Life Lessons

Two Tales

Read the Manual The 1970’s featured two oil crises.  One was in 1973 and a second followed in 1979.  As a result,  gas prices escalated.  While the diesel auto engine was put into production in the 1930’s, its popularity increased in the late 70’s and early 80’s in part because of the oil crisis.   …

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Career lessons

New Tricks from An Old(er) Dog

I received tons of advice when I first became an elementary school principal.  One of my favorite observations was from an older cousin who knew nothing about what I had done or was about to do.  He offered up, “If you work hard, someday you’ll become a high school principal.”  Becoming a high school principal …

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