
Tony Jerome

Biology was one of the areas of study during my junior high school science classes. One of our assignments was to select one of several topics supplied by the teacher and develop a comprehensive report based upon biology. I chose to study twins. We had several sets of twins on both sides of our family. …

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Ma and Pa Tebo

My dad referred to his parents as Ma and Pa. I knew them as Grandma and Grandpa Tebo.  George Gabriel Tebo was born in 1875 and Mary Christine Ritter eleven years later. They raised a family of six girls and one boy. The girls were Nettie, Katherine,  Elizabeth (Dutch) Bernadette (Bern), Julia (Jewel) and Gertrude …

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Career lessons

We Need Three Things

  Ruth took Brady and Eva out for lunch last Saturday.  They spent their mid-day sharing time and conversation.  We’re lucky that our two grandchildren think enough of us to share theirs. Part of the visit was a discussion of making money.  As they drove to lunch the kids pointed out some nice homes and …

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Life Lessons

More Fuzzy Tales

Chicken or the Egg Fuzzy moved in with Gary, Jim and I for our senior year. We moved into a honest to goodness apartment outside of campus. Fuzzy was with us for only part of the year, but it was memorable. Jim’s girlfriend, Lynn, built an incubator, placed a fertile egg inside, and hatched a …

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Current Events

The Final Flush?

I’ve struggled with the title of this blog for days.  I considered and rejected several.   One More Shi!!y Tale, Keep on Flushin, Ain’t No Plunger Big Enough, and You Can’t Force a Six Inch Poop Down a Four Inch Hole were all considered but rejected.  The Final Flush? is what I hope is the …

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