Career lessons

No Straight Lines

I work with 40 – 50 high school students each summer.   They work on projects at local businesses for two weeks in July.  Students who want to become involved  in the program must complete an application and write a two-hundred word essay on why they wish to participate.  After they complete their paperwork, I …

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Childhood Memories

Red Boiling Springs

I first heard of Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee when I was about twelve.   My grandparents had visited a local hotel on a couple of occasions and loved it.   The hotel was known for its mineral baths and their medicinal powers. At least one year  my Uncle Harry and Aunt Ruth and my cousins, …

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Girls or Whiskey and Horses

I have an item on my bucket list that, hopefully, will be fulfilled.   I’d like to sing a duet with my son, Michael.   It first hit my list several years ago in Las Vegas.   Ruth and I  were there with all three kids, their then girlfriends/boyfriends, a couple of the kids’ friends, …

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Current Events

5 – 6 -7 -8 Begin

Ruth and I have taken a few  dance classes during our tenure in The Villages.  Our first attempt was the Cha Cha.  We struggled with the dance in large part because we had to touch each other while we danced.   We both enjoy dancing as long as there is no touching involved.   Traditionally, …

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Childhood Memories


Michigan is getting hammered by snow today and the weather reports reminded me of the snowball throwing in my youth.  When you’re kid, and there’s snow, you’re making snowballs.  You have to. The kids in the neighborhood had snowball fights all of the time.  We made snow forts in our backyards and went to “war”.  …

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Current Events

You Can’t Make This Up

Ruth has been having some serious health issues over the past couple of weeks. As a result I have missed my last three blog deadlines. Things are moving forward and most of her health problems are resolved. We are hoping for a resolution to the remaining issue in the very near future. As we have …

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Life Lessons


We all know the “trust game”.  One guy stands erect, crosses his hands in front of his chest, falls back, and trusts that his friend will catch him as he falls.   The test is “do you trust your friend” to catch you?  Over the years I’ve been comfortable being the catcher, but I’ve never …

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