Current Events

Heading South

When I retired from my real job, I had one simple goal.  Avoid shoveling snow. Ruth and I purchased a home in Florida and head that way each fall.  We left last Tuesday and arrived late Friday night.  Our first planned stop was in Williamstown, Kentucky at the Ark Experience.  While I expected to see …

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Random Thoughts

Another Baseball Story

I met my first two  professional baseball players when I was in my high school physical education class.  (aka p.e. aka gym) Ivy Lofton was one of my p.e. teachers.  He was also the head coach for the football team.  Ivy coached football at Royal Oak Dondero from 1959  until 1992.   The thing I …

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Life Lessons

Mickey Lolich, Sparky Marvin, and Me

Occasionally life presents you with a unique opportunity.   This blog is one of mine.  This is the 100th post of my blogging career.  I’ve written approximately 80,000 words (including typos and misspellings).  That’s the equivalent of a 320 page thesis, a typical romance novel or personal memoire.  However, it’s far short of the 587,287 …

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Story One Our water damage ordeal is finally DONE. The leaking water softener was replaced immediately, the subsequent flood waters were dried quickly and efficiently, but the repairs took forever. Not really “forever” but seventy-seven days. During that time we hosted BZ, Sutton, Jonesy, had visitors from Nebraska, took a five-day trip to California, several …

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Childhood Memories

The Hallway

The hallway in the home where I grew up is about fifteen feet long.   That’s five “giant steps” for me in a current game of “Mother May I”.  I was almost three when we moved into the house, so it seemed much longer.  It hasn’t grown, but I have. I believe that Mom and …

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Current Events

Football Lights and Water Towers

Thursday evening I made a drive to Camden, Michigan which isn’t on the map in the road atlas that we keep under a couch cushion  in our living room. I had been to Camden – Frontier High School a half-dozen times in the past but I was running late so I asked “google” for directions. …

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Childhood Memories Current Events

Pimples and Armpit Hair

Everybody goes through puberty.  It’s a basic part of human development. Growth spurts abound, resulting in monthly trips for new shoes and jeans.  Voices deepen and/or squeak. Hair appears where no hair appeared before.  And pimples erupt overnight.  It’s a fun time. When I was in the eighth grade (on the entry-level side of my …

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