
Two Trips to Vegas

My dad was a card player. He liked to play all sorts of games. He, like me, had just one rule. “Tell me the rules before we start.” He played euchre, 500, gin, pinochle, double-deck pinochle and tonk, but most of all he liked poker and blackjack. His favorite place to play blackjack was Las …

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Family Life Lessons

James A. Marvin

  I met Jim Marvin about 30 years ago at a poker game. I was invited to sub with a group that he belonged to. I liked him right away. Eventually, I became a member of the group and while playing several hundred hands of cards we became good friends. The group took turns hosting …

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Life Lessons


Time is a funny thing.  When we’re young time passes very slowly.  Our next birthday and Christmas seem like they’ll never come. Summer vacations are about the only “time” of the year that time passes quickly. I was going through some old school documents from my education career and ran across the following story.   …

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Career lessons

Napkins and Sugar Packets

I recently decided upon a new career path.  It was a spontaneous inspiration fueled by a challenge that most of us face each day.  Unbalanced tables.  I have decided to invest in a fleet of commercial vans that will be:   1) Nimble.  2) Provide for the greatest impact and thus increased income.  3) Employ …

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Childhood Memories

Mustard Lids

Several years ago, my friend, Jim, and I were waiting for an airplane and noticed the large number of people talking on their cell phones.  We understood that we were witnessing the beginning of a revolutionary, societal change.  Ruth and I took our grandson, Brady, to California for the past few days and everywhere we …

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Career lessons Life Lessons

My Rookie Year

I became an elementary school principal in 1977.  I had two interviews prior to getting the job.  The first was with the superintendent, Roger, the high school principal, Don, and the middle school principal, Rick.   They liked me and invited me back for a second interview which was held in a local restaurant.  This …

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Current Events


When I walked into my office this morning (Tuesday) the carpeting squished beneath my bare feet.  Carpet is not supposed to squish.  Water!!! My first thought was to look up.  A majority of the pipes for the kitchen run above the ceiling in my office.  In a prior life this room served as David’s bedroom.  …

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Life Lessons

A Den of Thieves

Several years ago, while all three of our children were college students, I discovered that Ruth and I had raised a den of thieves.  This is not my proudest moment as a story-teller but facts are facts.  Several months ago, when I began my new story telling blogging career, I pledged to only tell true …

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Finding Kate

David and Michael dated several girls in high school, college, and early in their work careers.   I liked them all but one.  Michael dated one girl for a brief time that I found unusual.   I don’t remember her name but she was focused on Michael.  Fortunately, the focus wasn’t mutual and the relationship …

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