
Finding Kate

David and Michael dated several girls in high school, college, and early in their work careers.   I liked them all but one.  Michael dated one girl for a brief time that I found unusual.   I don’t remember her name but she was focused on Michael.  Fortunately, the focus wasn’t mutual and the relationship …

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Life Lessons

Study Hard

  I began my working career  at a young age. I had a lot of jobs that helped fund my lifestyle, but most importantly taught me the importance of working for a living. I’ve been an independent contractor and I’ve “worked for the man”. I’ve been a “union man” and a “non-union man”.  I expect …

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Current Events

Living With Hippies

  I’ve been living with hippies for several days now.  More correctly, hippies have been living with me.  When they arrived I thought that they were gypsies, however, that’s not the case.  They may be hippy gypsies, but I’m very sure that they’re hippies. Don’t get me wrong.   I love them and enjoy their …

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Life Lessons

The Most Important Lesson of My Life

    The most important lesson of my life was taught to me by a seven-year old boy.   He wasn’t just any seven-year-old.   He was mine.  He turns 40 at a little after 1:00 p.m. today. Michael is the third of our three children.  We didn’t plan to have three, but like most …

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Career lessons


After I retired from what I call “my real job”, I became the director of a program sponsored by the local branch of Michigan Works! The original version of the program placed a teacher in an area business for four weeks during the summer. The teacher learned the workings of the business while completing a …

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Life Lessons

Three EKGs and a Stress Test

Over the past 71 years I’ve undergone several medical procedures.   None (knock on wood) have ever discovered anything serious.  I’ve never been a big risk taker so I think that has helped me maintain my health.   I’m overweight but have never smoked.   I’d identify myself as being in good health (knock again). …

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Current Events Life Lessons

Story Telling

  I had lunch with my grandson, Brady, on Saturday and while we were talking I told him the story of three instances involving  my getting an electrocardiogram.  He laughed at the end and told me that he “loved it” when I told stories.   “You’re a good story-teller.” Later, it struck me that there …

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Current Events

Gentlemen (Ladies too) Mark Your Calendars!

  The summer that you’ve all been waiting for is finally upon us.   If you haven’t marked your calendars, and gathered several $5.00 bills, let’s do to it today.   There’s no more time for procrastination.  The Sutton James Papanikolas inaugural “live tour” is approaching Michigan for an extended border to border stay.   …

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