
Two New Cars

      Gene’s family was a Chevy family. Mine preferred Ford. The big news of the car industry during the 50’s was “what new styles” would grace our roadways. Gene thought Chevy was best while I rooted for Ford. These preferences were developed in large part because that is what each family owned.   …

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Life Lessons

Kitchen Poker

A few years ago there was a public campaign that asked the “average Joe” to submit an idea for a new reality TV show. The hope was that someone from somewhere would have an idea unique enough to be produced on television. I am an “average Joe” who is someone from somewhere so I submitted …

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Childhood Memories Current Events

Shop Around

My grandson, Brady, turned 13 today.  (June 2, 2018)   We celebrated last week-end.  While we were together we talked about BIG birthdays.  I told him that I thought 10, 13, 16, 18, 21 were BIG ones. 10 because you have to write two digits when you write your age   You won’t add another …

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Family Life Lessons

Bobby Unser, Paul Newman, and Me – Episode Two

    The four travelers didn’t knock on my apartment door until about 10:00.  All of that concern about nothing. They had decided to drive to Allegan before picking me up.  Uncle Harry’s parents are buried in a local cemetery and he wanted to place flowers on their grave.  After visiting the cemetery they stopped …

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Family Life Lessons

Bobby Unser, Paul Newman, and Me

The 52nd International 500 Mile Sweepstakes (AKA the Indianapolis 500) was held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Speedway, Indiana on Thursday May 30, 1968. For the second year in a row, one of Andy Granatelli’s STP Turbine-powered machines was leading late in the race, but once again, it failed within sight of victory. On …

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Life Lessons

The Underachiever

  The importance of hard work was instilled upon me by my parents.  My mom graduated from high school but my dad only attended school through the eighth grade.  That was normal for many kids born in the late teens and twenties.  They wanted more for my two sisters and me.  They encouraged me to …

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