Current Events

Two Random Bits of Recent Stuff

Super Seniors Golf Championship If you are an avid ESPN watcher you probably don’t know that I recently competed in – and won – the Super Senior Championship for the 8th flight in The Super Senior Championship held annually in The Villages, Florida.  ESPN didn’t cover it.   If you failed to see my name …

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Random Thoughts

Do You Remember Me?

Ruth and I took a three-week, belated honeymoon, during the summer of 1972.   One of our stops on our southern swing was Biloxi, Mississippi.  The two biggest memories of that stop were the cockroaches that Ruth discovered in our motel room when she switched on the bathroom light and the beautiful plantation style mansions …

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Childhood Memories

Bicycles and Baseball Cards Deux

Please note that I have invoked my French heritage in the development of this blog’s title.  We can all use a bit of culture and refinement. The saga continues. My youth was spent in the 1950’s.   I was two years seven months when they started and twelve when then ended. (You officially stop counting …

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Childhood Memories

Bicycles and Baseball Cards

My dad bought me my first bicycle when I was six.  It was a brand new, beautiful blue, wide-tired, girl’s bike.  I’m sure that he bought the girl’s bike because:  1. He was planning ahead for Sharron to have the bike when she was old enough to ride.  2. He got a great deal on …

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Current Events

Dress to Excess

Ruth and I have two walk-in closets.  One’s in Florida and one’s in Michigan.  The one in Florida is large enough to hold all of our clothes, a couple of dressers and set up a single bed for company.   It also stores our suitcases, a twenty-two-inch diameter exercise ball and assorted boxes and bags …

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Life Lessons

Like – Lust – Love

My mom and grandmother once told me that I proposed to a girl during dinner. Sounds romantic. I was three and Beverly was four.   I don’t believe that my two elders ever lied to me so it must be true.  I don’t actually remember the proposal, but I do remember Beverly.  My Kentucky sweetheart …

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500 N. Edgeworth

My mom and dad purchased the house at 500 N. Edgeworth in January of 1950 and made it our new home. 500 N. Edgeworth sounds cool.  It sounds better than 430 N. Edgeworth  and more distinguished than 500 S. Edgeworth.  It also sounds way cooler that 500 N. Minerva.  Who would want to live on …

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Life Lessons

Cursive vs. Printing

Ruth and I didn’t plan to have three children but we did. Heck, if you’ve read my previous story, “How About Me?”, you know that we didn’t plan to get married. But we did that too. We turned out to be pretty traditional – marriage , then children. When we got around to talking about …

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