Current Events

I Shall Attend

One of the perks of being elementary principal in Addison was a “shall” provision of my contract.  It said that I “shall” attend State and National conferences each year.  It wasn’t may or might but “shall”.  I had to go. When I landed in Britton, my contract didn’t say “shall”, but I received the ok …

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Career lessons

I Just Had to Tell

I played golf with three men in The Villages last Sunday. They knew each other but I didn’t know them. We introduced ourselves and that’s when I noticed the logo shirt one of the guys was wearing. I waited until the second hole to say, “So, you’re a local celebrity.” he denied the status, but …

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Stevie McVie

Elizabeth, Sutton and their dog, Jonesy, lived in Florida for four months from December of 2018 through March of 2019. The prior summer they stayed with Ruth and me in our Michigan home. Beginning in April of 2019, they lived with us in Michigan for another sixteen weeks.  Florida was sandwiched between their two Michigan …

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Life Lessons

Based On a True Story

If I ever publish another book, I think I’ll call it Based on a True Story. That’s what all my writing is. While I don’t look down on those who write fiction, writing about my life as the stories reappear is just easier for me. As I’ve written before, it’s the truth as I remember …

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Random Thoughts

This Internet Thing

I think this internet thing is gonna work out. Thank heaven Al Gore thought of it.  Where would we be without Al?  To be honest, some in the media falsely accused him of claiming he developed the system.  If you do a google search, you’ll find this: Former U.S. vice president Al Gore never claimed …

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