Life Lessons

The Birds, The Bees, and Earleen

I was a cub scout and then a boy scout for several years.   In addition to all of the “be prepared” parts of scouting, scouts also had fund raising drives to raise money to offset the cost of all our activities.  Paper drives were a great way to raise money while helping our neighbors …

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Current Events

Last Minute Changes

  Everyone’s life is affected by last minute changes.   I know many people who just don’t like change of any kind.  Days, weeks, months, perhaps years are planned on constants. Tacos on Tuesday and the local fish fry on Friday are a way of life.  Annual vacations, or family visits, are etched into calendars …

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Life Lessons

It’s Gonna Rain Again

I have enjoyed a career in education spanning over forty-five years. I’ve taught, served as a building principal, been a school superintendent and now do consulting work. Once, several years ago in my elementary school principal days, I received a phone call from a friend and new school principal. He needed my advice. He was …

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Childhood Memories

The Girl Nextdoor

There are many stories about “the girl next door”.  I learned this summer that one of my friends married his.  They lived next to each other in Jackson, Michigan in their early teens  (he was 16 and she was 14), started dating and eventually married.  I expect a lot of neighborhood relationships evolved in such …

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Childhood Memories

The Fire Hydrant

We moved into our home in Royal Oak in 1950. This was just before, or just after, my sister Sharron being born.  My memory is not totally clear on the time frame. (I was still a child myself)  I suspect that the move was planned because of her arrival.  Our family was outgrowing our home …

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How About Me? The Rest of the Story

On Tuesday morning we returned to Kalamazoo.   We went to a jewelry store and purchased two gold wedding bands.  Mine cost $40.00 and I expect Ruth’s was about the same.  (Another example of memory moments that are stored deeply in our brains.) Ruth and I had a housing dilemma.  Both of us had recently …

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How About Me? Sharing the News.

On our way back to “The Tod” we stopped at a party store.  We bought a package of Twinkies and a bottle of champagne.  We made a toast to ourselves, ate our “wedding cake” and changed our clothes.  Then we called Ruth’s parents. Ruth’s mom answered the phone.  There was no small talk.  I was …

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How About Me? Commitment

We checked out in the morning, completed our drive to the airport, parked my car, and boarded our plane.  Boring but truthful.   We landed in Las Vegas, rented a car, and drove down the Las Vegas strip.  The drive took us by big name casinos with what we expected to hold upscale, high-priced hotel …

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How About Me? Phase Three

Ruth and I arrived a split second before Mike and were walking towards her apartment when his car pulled in.   That’s when I learned of their scheduled 6 o’clock date.  That was a surprise for me.  Of the two surprises Mike and I received within a minute of each other, I’ll go with mine. …

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How About Me? Phase Two

Our stop at the Hi-Lo was eventful.  We were more engrossed in the conversation than the drinking or the sparse afternoon crowd.  We continued our reminiscing that began at the school with the students, and Ruth reviewed the details of her sister’s wedding the month before.  I knew her sister, Kathy, and her new husband, …

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