Current Events

Baby Boomers Singles Club

My Baby Boomers Singles Club introduction was informative but socially unremarkable.  I’d estimate there were about sixty new people.  There were approximately fifty women and ten men.  If the entire 1,160 members are made up of a similar ratio of women to men, there are potentially 962 women members.  If that’s true, there must be …

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Current Events

Making Connections

If you’ve ever flown in an airplane, you know that it’s possible to encounter turbulence.  The shaking of an airplane at 34,000 feet is troublesome to some.  Ruth and I didn’t react to all the moving and shaking that came our way over the years.  We had no control, so we let others do their …

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Current Events


Tomorrow would have been Ruth and my 52nd wedding anniversary. We fell 349 days short. Since Ruth and I eloped to Las Vegas, we’ve revisited the city dozens of times. A couple of years ago, we decided we’d spend a few days in Vegas each September to celebrate our anniversary. We made it every year …

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Current Events

I Just Knew

I played in a golf tournament last weekend. It was a team event.  The players gathered on Saturday evening, August 26, to hold a “draft”.  The forty-eight players were organized by handicap.  Those with the lowest handicap were the “A” players, the next were “B”, then “C”, and the final dozen were “D” like me. …

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Current Events

Good Morning

When morning arrived for everyone else, I found out we were running later than expected.  We wouldn’t arrive until almost nine, an hour and a half late. Gary and I went up to breakfast and sat with a couple from Milwaukee who were going to Sacramento just like the women we shared dinner with. They, …

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Current Events

The C Z Rolled On

Gary and my roomettes were across the aisle from one another.  They were three feet six inches wide and six and a half feet long.  They had two bench seats facing one another that folded down to make a bed.  There was a second bed folded up against the wall hanging above the first.  We …

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Current Events

The California Zephyr

I took the train to Denver on Saturday, August 5th.  I had planned to start in Grand Rapids, but upon further review, boarded in Holland.  Long term parking near the Grand Rapids depot is in short supply.  Holland has ample free parking, but I didn’t use it as my son, David, dropped me off. My …

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Current Events

Plus One

David and I played in a golf tournament last weekend. It was the second time we played in “The Prestige” at Tullymore.  We competed in a series of five nine-hole matches over two and a half days.  There were seven groups of six teams.  They all had fancy names.  Ours’ was the Royal Saint Georges …

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Current Events

Our First Award

We awarded our first Tebo Family Scholarship last Wednesday.  I’m going to Adrian this afternoon to make a second presentation to the same winners.  Yes, I said winners.  Today’s presentation is just a formality.  Here’s what David and I said Wednesday evening in Addison. My wife, Ruth, and I decided we wanted to set up …

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