Current Events

Not Just Another Snow Day

If you live in Michigan, you know all about snow.  The wintery weather can make travel dangerous, causing school districts to cancel school in the name of safety.  When Ruth and I taught in Plainwell, we looked forward to the occasional day off.  Back then staff had to report unless we were told not to.  …

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Current Events

Going Commando

The true origin of the phrase “going commando” is unknown. Some say it’s a reference to a commandos’ reputation for action and toughness rather than any specific practice.  I’ve always believed the saying references the habit of not wearing underwear.  I’ve never been a practitioner, but I know of those who have.  Ruth rolled that …

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Current Events


Ruth and I played in a golf tournament the last weekend of August. While I’ve played in several over the years, it was Ruth’s first. She was a bit nervous, but she played well. The second summer in our Tullymore condo has been very different from the first. Last year, we spent much of our …

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Current Events


There are several golf events at our new course, Tullymore.  The BIG event of the year is the member/guest held each July. It’s called The Prestige.  My son, David, and I played last weekend. The format was straight forward.  There were thirty-six two-man teams.  The thirty-six were assigned to one of six flights determined by …

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Current Events

Match Play

Ruth and I decided to get more involved this year in the activities associated with our condo and the Tullymore Golf Club we joined.  Last summer we spent most of our time settling in.  Now that we’re settled, we’re more involved. I’ve signed up to play in several golf tournaments including both a single match …

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Current Events


The Columbine shooting on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, occurred when two teens went on a shooting spree, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others, before turning their guns on themselves and committing suicide. The Columbine shooting was, at the time, the worst high school shooting in U.S. …

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Current Events

If You Don’t Know, It’s You

I’ve always believed if you don’t know who’s the worst player on your team – any team – it’s you.  I played in a thirty-six hole four-man scramble over two days this week and felt that way more than once.  Turns out I wasn’t. It’s not a stretch to call The Villages, Florida the golf …

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Current Events

It’s Just a Thought

When I set out to learn more about the Coleman Prison, I discovered the following. The prison complex sits on 1,600 acres and as of 2010 was the largest correctional facility operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. It housed more than 7,100 prisoners and had 1,300 employees.   The prison has housed a variety …

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Current Events

I Had a Thought

Ruth and I purchased our first home in The Villages in 2004. Since then, we’ve owned four. Each was larger than the previous and in a new Village. In the process we’ve determined a 2,000 square foot home serves us best. I control about a hundred square feet including a recliner in the living room, …

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Current Events

Tai Chi

I’ve been taking a Tai Chi class for several weeks. We’ve got two lessons left. Our instructor is very patient and takes each lesson slow and easy. Some may think Tai Chi is Chinese for Hokey Pokey. They would be wrong. While I don’t know the actual translation, many refer to it as “shadowboxing” because …

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