Current Events

Pat Down

I wrote about dealing with Plantar Fasciitis several months ago.  My bout with the affliction began in July while playing golf.  I didn’t know what was wrong, I just knew something was.  I fumbled through the pain for several weeks, hoping it would just go away.  It didn’t.  I ended up purchasing some expensive shoe …

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Current Events

Final Thoughts

There was a time when I thought Elizabeth might never publish her book.  Fifteen years is a long time for a thought to percolate.  While the words were ready, the illustrations weren’t, and you need illustrations in a children’s book.  Children need to see as well as read or hear the words.  The pictures help …

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Current Events Family Life Lessons

Autograph Seekers

BZ Tebo, AKA Elizabeth Tebo, signed several copies of her book, “The Elephant on Aaron’s Chest”, during her book debut yesterday.  It was well attended.  Her mom and I are extremely proud of her accomplishment.  Witnessing her book signing reminded me of the time I took my grandson, Brady, to meet the former major league …

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Current Events Family Life Lessons

A Father’s Perspective

I’m going to a celebration next Saturday in California.  Our daughter, Elizabeth, has published a book and it’s making its public debut that day.  “The Elephant on Aaron’s Chest” is thirty-six pages long, contains two-hundred and eighty-nine words, and took fifteen years to write.  You can’t rush perfection. Elizabeth is a licensed clinical social worker …

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Current Events


As a polio pioneer from the 1950’s, I’m about vaccined out. I think I’ve had em all. I’ve been poked and prodded much of my life. I accepted my fate and followed the directives of, first, my parents who made those decisions for me and, later, I became the master of my own health by …

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Current Events

Heading South

Ruth and I are heading south on Sunday.  We’re going back to our Florida home for the winter.  We’ve owned our Michigan condo for almost a year and have adjusted to this new type of living.  We’ve made some new friends, kept in touch with old ones, hosted several visitors and overnight guests, and rekindled …

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Current Events

A Couple Observations

Ruth and I spent three days with Jackson James, and his mom and dad, earlier this week.  It was our first flight from Grand Rapids to California and it went very well.  This is Mike’s first week of father bonding time.  The State of California has a program that allows moms and dads each several …

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Current Events

Settling In

Our unpacking is moving along quite nicely.  Our sixty plus boxes are down to a manageable dozen.  The contents of most will be housed in Ruth’s new craft area.  Final arrangements for the installation of our craft room cabinetry takes place tomorrow. We ordered four new chairs last October.  Two go in the family room …

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Current Events

Change of Address

We started the process of changing our address before we made the drive north from Florida to Standwood, Michigan.  I contacted our credit card companies, updated our magazine subscriptions, and filed the appropriate documents with the United States Postal Service.  Everything went surprisingly well.  We had several pieces of mail when we arrived. I received …

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Current Events

Permanent Vacation

By the time you read this Ruth and I will be heading to our new condo in Stanwood, Michigan.  It’s part of the golf resort known as Tullymore.  We relocated prior to heading south to The Villages last November.  Everything is moved into the condo, but there is loads of unpacking to do.  I’d estimate …

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