
Fifteen Weeks Volume Two

Editor’s Note:  I wrote the original version of 15 Weeks last October.  I’d forgotten all about it.  As I was reviewing my draft of today’s blog, the original version popped up.  I’m not going to develop a whole new story.  The bulk of this tale is similar, but it has a different ending.  With over …

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Cupboards and Closets

With a condo in Michigan, and a house in Florida, I’ve got a lot of cupboards and closets.  I’m responsible for the organization of one closet in Michigan, and I didn’t organize anything in Florida.  Ruth did it all. My single contribution is the closet that I use for my office. It’s really one of …

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Testing One Two Testing

I’ve been playing with an audio recorder.  I recorded a story I had written a few years ago and originally posted on October 14, 2018.   I shared it with my kids, two sisters and my nieces.   Most gave it a thumbs up.  Jackie shared it with the members her “pretty ladies club”.  I think that’s …

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David’s Decisions

When it came time for our three children to decide what was next regarding their education, Ruth and I deferred to them.  We spoke of college all the time but would have been ok if they took a pass.  They didn’t. David was first and he enrolled at Western Michigan University like me.  He planned …

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Young Jackson James @ 3

Young Jackson James turned three today.  Four years ago, Ruth and I didn’t think we’d have a third grandchild.  I’m pretty sure his conception was planned even though he was conceived, and born, during the covid crisis. We knew his birth was on the horizon when I called to check in with Kate one late …

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Birthday Girls

Elizabeth’s birthday is today.  She was born on March 10, 1977.  David was twenty days short of turning two and Michael followed BZ exactly fifteen months later.  Ruth and I were knocking on 30’s door. The 10th was a Thursday.  Ruth had taught through the prior Friday, beginning her maternity leave that day.  She visited …

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