
Gail and Gwen

It’s funny how names get connected.  My twin cousins have always been Gail and Gwen, never Gwen and Gail.  Mom and Dad  referred to them as “the twins”.  “Get ready we’re going to see the twins.” or “We’re meeting the twins at the lake.”  Things like that. They’re the daughters of my Aunt Gert and …

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For One Hour

There are several popular posts appearing on Facebook.  There’s one about golf that keeps popping up.  It asks you to name your dream foursome.  For me that’s always been easy, I’d choose my three kids, David, Elizabeth, Michael and me.  Ruth’s recent resurgence on the  links muddies the waters a bit, but if we couldn’t …

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The Summer of 69

My wingman got married on May 23, 1969.  He celebrated his twenty-second birthday four days later, and I followed him on the 29th.  That was fifty-one years ago. That wasn’t the only thing that happened that summer.  The biggies in my mind were 400,000 people attended the Woodstock Music Festival, a concert in a New …

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My Wingman

Mitch is my oldest friend.  We met in 1951 or 52 at the fire hydrant fifty feet from my driveway.  He wandered around the block, and I was standing atop my usual perch, surveying the neighborhood.  We met, exchanged a few words, and have been friends ever since.  That’s my first official memory. We served …

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The Walker Girls 2.0

The Walker family moved to Rochester, Michigan and lived in a house on a hill.  I believe they moved because of Uncle Jack’s job.  It was either that or Aunt Emma simply wanted a different house.  The place in Washington was vintage.  The Rochester home was new.  I don’t know how long they lived there, …

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The Walker Girls

That’s how my mom referred to Diane, Elizabeth and Ruth Ellen.  They were “The Walker Girls”, the three children of Mom’s youngest uncle, Jack Walker, and his wife, Emma.  Mom’s mother, Margaret, was the oldest of the clan.  She was born in 1899.  Jack’s given name was John, but everyone called him Jack.  He was …

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Kissing Cousins

A kissing cousin is, by definition, a distant relative known well enough to kiss when greeting.  For example:  I’m not sure exactly how I’m related to her, she’s just a kissing cousin. When I was a young boy, 0 – 12, my dad expanded my kissing requirement to any, and all, females related to me. …

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My three children, their spouses, and now my two grandchildren, have chosen to take part in a myriad of activities. They’re athletes, musicians, singers, dancers, thespians, and orators. I’ve attended many events, and while there have been numerous others participating, I focused on the members of my family. I wanted them to do their best …

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