
Wise Beyond Her Years

My granddaughter, Eva, is ten and a half going on thirty-two.  She’s bright and full of life.  She knows what she likes and what she doesn’t like.  She isn’t afraid to share her thoughts.   You may not always agree with what she has to say, but you can be sure that anything that she …

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Baseball’s Greatest Player (Maybe)

If you are an avid baseball fan you know that there are differing opinions and controversies regarding baseball’s greatest players and all-time personal achievements.   When I was growing up baseball historians argued that Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb were the greatest of all time.  Throughout the past seventy years names like Hank Aaron, Willie …

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Current Events Family

Coming to a City Near You – Two

Earlier this week  Elizabeth and Sutton set out on a grand adventure.  They are off on a three country – yes country – musical tour.   So much for a once a month, week-end hobby. Elizabeth has always been a traveler.   She likes to see places. Experience.  Explore.  She’s drawn to ideas and people …

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Current Events Family

Coming To A City Near You

The first time that I heard the name Sutton Papanikolas my daughter, Elizabeth, was telling me about a new guy that she had met that wanted to take her fishing.  She was living in San Diego and I wasn’t sure if he planned to take her “deep-sea fishing” or “lake fishing”  like we do in …

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The Marriage Rules

All three of our kids have always been social beings.  David and Michael had girlfriends and Elizabeth had boyfriends.   I was comfortable with that arrangement but knew that alternative choices were possible.  I  liked all the girls the boys dated. Elizabeth choices were scrutinized more closely.   I knew that when they were all …

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Our Second Child

When Ruth and I started our family we agreed that names were important.   We wanted each of our children to have  a strong name.   Names that would be remembered and impactful.  As teachers we were well aware that some names were designed to encourage nick names.  Some names encouraged rhyming.   We didn’t …

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