

Tomorrow is young Jackson James’s second birthday.  It’s also the sixth month mark of Ruth’s accident.  The twenty-seventh of the month took on new meaning when she died.  When children are born, we document their birth in terms of months.  He’s six months old, not a half year.  That’s how I think of Ruth.  She’s …

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Save The Date

I’d prefer this was a Save the Date for a wedding or a shower, but I have neither on my social calendar. This is rather, a save the date announcement for Ruth’s Michigan Celebration of Life. The kids and I held a similar celebration in Florida this past December. It went well and served as …

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Finger Guns

My senior year grandson, Brady, graduates in a couple of months.  I’m looking forward to watching him walk across the stage to receive his diploma and know Ruth will be with us in spirit.  She and Brady have always had a special bond, and she was looking forward to sharing his senior year highlights with …

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The first time I saw my father cry was December of 1955.  Our family had been out Christmas shopping and visiting Santa Claus. We’d just walked in the door when Dad headed to the hallway.  I didn’t hear the phone ring, but Dad came back through the living room after a short phone conversation and …

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California Connection

The last conversation I had with Ruth concluded around 11:00 am the morning of September 27, 2022.  We agreed upon a plan to visit our California kids the weekend prior to Kate’s birthday.  I overheard her speaking to Michael one evening and Elizabeth, a day or so later, about the trip.  She told Mike we’d …

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Two Bobs

Thanksgiving weekend, Michael, Sutton and I golfed at a course we’ve played dozens of times on our trips to the Coachella Valley.  Each time we played there was a “starter” named Bob to welcome us and send us out on the course.  We first played the course about fifteen years ago.  Bob has worked there …

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More Thoughts On The Matter

Note:  I began this blog prior to Ruth’s passing.  I’m finishing up a thought that began with the September 21, 25 and 28 blogs.  The September 28th blog was ready for posting, so I sent it out after Ruth died. Mom was about ninety years old when I organized her postcards for her.  I put …

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