
He Turns One Today

Our youngest grandchild, Jackson James, turns one today.  Ruth and I have traveled to California to see him four times this year.  Our latest trip was last weekend.  He wasn’t aware his birthday was a week away, so we celebrated a bit early. When you’re only one- year-old you have no real sense of time.  …

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Current Events Family Life Lessons

Autograph Seekers

BZ Tebo, AKA Elizabeth Tebo, signed several copies of her book, “The Elephant on Aaron’s Chest”, during her book debut yesterday.  It was well attended.  Her mom and I are extremely proud of her accomplishment.  Witnessing her book signing reminded me of the time I took my grandson, Brady, to meet the former major league …

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Current Events Family Life Lessons

A Father’s Perspective

I’m going to a celebration next Saturday in California.  Our daughter, Elizabeth, has published a book and it’s making its public debut that day.  “The Elephant on Aaron’s Chest” is thirty-six pages long, contains two-hundred and eighty-nine words, and took fifteen years to write.  You can’t rush perfection. Elizabeth is a licensed clinical social worker …

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Kentucky Cash

The 1920 Census determined for the first time that more Americans lived in cities than in the country. The margin was a narrow – 51 to 49 percent – but it was a key turning point in our nation’s history.  There was an agricultural depression that lasted the entire decade and kept a noticeable divide …

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Part of my family roots are embedded in Kentucky.  My mom and Aunt Ruth were born in Smiths Grove.  Their parents, Margaret Louise Walker and Carter Harrison Barner, were born there as well.  In fact, several generations of Barners and Walkers came from Kentucky.  One of my cousins traced the Barners back to John Barner …

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Bronze Baby Shoes

Bronzing baby shoes has been a tradition for over 75 years.  Mine are a fine example.  Mom had them bronzed, took me to a professional photographer, and assembled a small shrine in my honor. I think she did the same for my sister, Sharron, but I have no recollection of my youngest sister, Jackie, having …

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