
This Year’s Christmas Card

The first time I recall sending Christmas cards was my freshman year of college.  It seemed to be the mature thing to do, so I did it.  I picked out a masculine fireplace scene and sent them to several relatives.  The next year I sent out the remaining cards.  If you received yours, you’re welcome.  …

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The Big Rock

A little over a year ago, we moved into our new condo and out of our home of forty-three years.  I took some pictures on my phone of those last and first days.  They’ve popped up from Google photos reminding me of what we’ve gained and what we’ve left behind.  I have no regrets about …

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A House Divided

When I first started following football, the Detroit Lions and Michigan Wolverines were my favorite teams.  The Lions were an obvious choice because they played a few miles away from Royal Oak at Briggs Stadium .  The quarterbacks back then were Bobby Layne and Tobin Rote.  I listened to the games on the radio because …

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Pumpkin Run

As I’ve said in prior posts, I’ve never been a fan of Halloween.  The biggest reason is I didn’t like being frightened, and much of Halloween frightened me.  Some would say  I was, and still am, a Halloweeny.  Guilty as charged. In spite of my fear, I participated.  I like the fun part, just not …

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  Eva turned fourteen today.  She’s in the eighth grade and started in a new school this fall after the family move from Hamilton to Holland.  She’s adjusted well to her new surroundings and made the eight grade volleyball team.  Ruth and I have been attending her matches.  She does well and likes to play. …

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Anniversary Follow-Up

If your an avid reader, you know we held a talent show at our fiftieth anniversary celebration a month ago.  As I hoped, everyone participated. My sister, Jackie, did test the waters by asking what would happen if anyone “chickened out”.  I simply told her I heard rooms were available in Petoskey, but they were …

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