Life Lessons

The Revelation

I called Eric, and Eric’s mom, from the business site.  Neither one answered. I told Andrew I’d continue calling until I heard from someone and get in touch with him as soon as I knew something.  Mom’s pledge to “pick him up and drop him off myself” concerned me.  Perhaps something had happened to the …

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Life Lessons

My Thirteenth Summer

The C. V. Whitney Farm in Lexington, Kentucky was a very successful thoroughbred horse farm.   I lived there for two weeks the summer of my thirteenth year.  My friend, Bill, invited me to go with him and his family for two weeks in July.  His maternal grandfather was the supervisor of the farm’s operations, and …

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Life Lessons

Old(er) Friends

During the pandemic, Ruth and I, like most, hunkered down and watched more TV than usual. We limited our viewing, as best we could, to a couple hours each evening. We like different things, so finding a happy medium was sometimes a challenge. I gave up most shoot-em-up, action flicks, and she didn’t insist I …

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Life Lessons

Our File Cabinet

I was talking with a friend of over forty years the other day.  He asked if I was having any problems remembering things. He shared he was having issues and wondered if I was experiencing anything similar.  I told him, “I have some problems with my nouns.  I sometime forget the names of things.  My …

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Life Lessons

The Kid

I’ve played poker with a group from Lake LeAnn since 1977.  Bammer and I are the lone original members.  The group has played every two weeks since its inception.  We’ve had guys move away, get jobs that required them to work evenings, and a couple “just quit”.  A few substitutes became regulars.  A couple guys dropped …

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Life Lessons


I received a book in March of 2005 from my daughter, Elizabeth.  Courage was written by Bernard Waber.  It’s a picture book which explains there are all types of courage.  She received a copy from the vice-president of the company she was working for at the time.  During a presentation to his employees, he asked …

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Life Lessons

Words With Friends

I received a Kindle Fire for Christmas about ten years ago.  Its proven to be a great gift.  I enjoy downloading books and movies.  I watch most of the movies while flying with airlines that offer no such option.  It’s a good way to pass the time.  Ruth doesn’t care for adventure films with a …

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