Life Lessons

First Days

My first day as a teacher took place fifty-one years ago.  My first as an elementary school principal was forty-three, and I started my superintendent gig twenty-nine years ago.  All were memorable, but I expect none will be as memorable as the first day of school for students this year. My first day of teaching …

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Life Lessons

Between 10 and 2

My sister, Jackie, has a friend, Ted, that’s been a salesmen for the 30 plus years I’ve known him.  My first recollection of him is as a medical supply salesmen.  During that run he also sold shoes on Tuesday evenings.  He’s a few years older than me, but he’s still hitting the bricks.  Medical supplies …

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Life Lessons

The Big Two-Hearted River

During my teaching years several of my teaching friends and I went on “adventures”.  Most were not well thought out.  We got an idea and put it into play without considering the consequences of our actions and the difficulties that might present themselves.  One adventure involved two poker friends and the reading of a short …

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Life Lessons

Be Aware and Beware

I read the latest edition of my AARP magazine the other day.  I focused on an article regarding scams and the elderly.  Seems my age makes me highly qualified in this department. Scammers might call me “essential”.  The author outlines a list of several  pitfalls that scammers use and the scammed fall for.  According to …

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