Life Lessons


We visited Normandy through the port of Lavre, France last Monday.  We stopped at the German burial field first where 21,200 German soldiers are buried in graves of two.  The American cemetery just down the road holds 9,387.  I’m told there are a total of twenty-one military cemeteries in the region where 130,000 died. When …

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Life Lessons

Dateline London

If you’re reading this on the day that it’s posted, I’m in London. I’m five hours ahead of my Michigan family and eight in front of my California kids. I assume my phone knows where I am as I’m using it to post the next several blogs. I’ve recorded previously written stories to share while …

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Life Lessons

Good To See Ya

My Florida barber always says, “Good to see ya!” each time I get my hair cut. My reply is always the same, “It’s good to be seen.” I played in a golf tournament last weekend and rekindled friendships with a couple dozen men and women. One man, Dan, said, “It’s good to see ya.” I …

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Life Lessons

Mother’s Day 1968

I started dating a new girl in March of 1968.  We met at the White Rose for my fraternity.  Our chapter was being installed as Lambda Chi Alpha’s Lambda Tau.  I had pledged the prior fall, and after almost getting black balled, I was assigned to help guys who didn’t have dates get dates for …

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Life Lessons

The Art of Following Through

I missed one day of school my sophomore year of high school.  I didn’t miss any my junior or senior years.  It wasn’t because I was a great student, dedicated to getting good grades, but I wasn’t sick, so I didn’t pretend to be so.  The day I did miss my sophomore year was because …

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