Life Lessons

Report Cards and Relationships

Although I’m a career educator, I’m not a fan of report cards.  I didn’t like receiving them when I was a student, didn’t like completing them as a teacher, and I totally despised all the studies we did when I served as an administrator.  No matter what system was developed, parents wanted things to be …

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Current Events Life Lessons Random Thoughts

The Coronavirus and Me

The current health crisis has brought great uncertainty to the world.  People want guidance, answers, deadlines, and most of all, they want to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The problem is compounded by the fact that no one knows how long the tunnel is. We’re not used to the inconvenience that …

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Life Lessons

Who Needs Toilet Paper

The first time I saw a bidet was about forty-five years ago.   One of my friends, Lyndon, was building a new house, and he took me on an impromptu tour.  He was having great success in his new business, selling student accident insurance to K-12 schools and colleges throughout Michigan and the surrounding states. …

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Life Lessons

March Madness

The current world health crisis has brought great change to all of us.  We’re learning new things every day, and quite frankly, each day is a bit scarier than the last.  One of the first national casualties was the cancellation of the NCAA’s college basketball tournaments and the annual basketball season known as March Madness. …

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Life Lessons

You’re Not Going to Believe This

I know you’re not going to believe this, I really can’t believe it myself, but I’ve been approached to appear in the re-release of a current film.  I can’t share a lot about my good fortune as the deal is just in the beginning stages, but this appears to have legs.  They’ve gone so far …

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Life Lessons


I met Chuck during my freshman year of college.  He was one a several suite-mates I had that year.   My roommate, Don, and I made it the entire year together, but we went through at least four different suite-mates.   Paul was from Jackson, Greg from Grosse Pointe, Steve from assorted bars throughout the …

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Life Lessons

Jay and the Americans

Ruth and I attended a concert last Sunday night.  It was a nostalgic walk through the history of Motown.  We had a great trip.  We knew all of the songs and danced in our  seats for the full hour and forty-five minutes. Prior to the concert I stepped into the restroom to prepare for the …

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