Life Lessons

The Boys at the Fire Barn

During my fifteen years in Addison there was one group that I was very confident would always have my back, the boys at the fire barn. The fire barn was located directly across the street from the elementary school. While its true that it was a gathering place for political discourse, I was always sure …

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Life Lessons

Two Bits

Culture I had a crew of 34 high school students finish their two week assignments with local businesses  last Friday.   Going in they talked about articulated credits and scholarship opportunities.  Coming out they talked about culture.  They didn’t use the word, but that’s what they meant. They talked about eight different business locations that …

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Life Lessons

More Fuzzy Tales

Chicken or the Egg Fuzzy moved in with Gary, Jim and I for our senior year. We moved into a honest to goodness apartment outside of campus. Fuzzy was with us for only part of the year, but it was memorable. Jim’s girlfriend, Lynn, built an incubator, placed a fertile egg inside, and hatched a …

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Life Lessons

36 times 2

Ruth and I spent the week-end with Brady helping him celebrate his fourteenth birthday.  He turns fourteen on June 2nd but this past week-end was the best time for the three of us to go on a birthday trip.  That’s what we do – take trips.  He’s got all the “stuff” he needs, so we’re …

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