Life Lessons

Dandelion Wine

The first time I met Donna Jarrett she was sorting teaching supplies in the cafeteria of the Wayne Gray Elementary School in Addison, Michigan.  That was August of 1977.  I was the new principal of the elementary school and she was my secretary.  I had never had a secretary before, and I was looking forward …

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Life Lessons

Unmasters – The Players

I’m not a fan of Tiger Woods, but his win in the most recent Masters is a great story.  It’s quite an accomplishment for a forty-three year old man who hasn’t won a major in   eleven years. The players in the Unmasters may not hit the ball as far,  putt as well, or score …

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Life Lessons

Unmasters – Moments

The Unmasters featured some incredible golfers.  Some played well – others poorly.  Over twenty-five years dozens of different men engaged  in the competition. We all brought our families or significant others.  Some joined us for a year and never returned.  Others played year after year. Rick “Rowdy” Lane founded the Unmasters.  JB and  I played …

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Life Lessons

Unmasters – The Trips

Ruth and I traveled to our first Unmasters in 1979.  We had three children, David (four), Elizabeth (2), and Michael (nine months).  We took David with us, left Michael with Ruth’s parents, and Elizabeth split the week between our friends, the Klumps and the Figels.  We didn’t believe that a two-year old and a nine …

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Life Lessons

The Unmasters

The PGA has several golf tournaments that are enjoyed by the viewing public.  People from all walks of life, both golfers and non-golfers, sit in front of their television sets rooting for their favorite golfer, most of whom they will never meet.   They blindly hang on every swing, hoping that their favorite player will …

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Life Lessons

I Almost Drowned

  My grandson, Brady, added to his list of athletic accomplishments this winter and joined his school’s swim team.   He’s a very good athlete.   If there is a game, he’s ready to play.   Swimming is a whole new adventure.  He did very well and improved throughout the season. Swimming, like golf, track, …

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Life Lessons

I Apologize

Driver Education Class I became a driver’s education instructor early in my teaching career. I worked several summers to earn extra money. Becoming certified to teach driver education required several college classes. One of my fellow teachers, Ken, took the classes with me. We both intended to supplement our teacher’s salary. On the first day …

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