Life Lessons


We all know the “trust game”.  One guy stands erect, crosses his hands in front of his chest, falls back, and trusts that his friend will catch him as he falls.   The test is “do you trust your friend” to catch you?  Over the years I’ve been comfortable being the catcher, but I’ve never …

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Life Lessons

A Thought Sparked By Christmas Past

Ruth and I listened to Christmas music as we awaited our Christmas guests this past Christmas season.  Most of our family was with us for a few days.    The Christmas music helped with the spirit of the season because there is no snow in Florida and snow helps with the spirit as well. We’d …

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Life Lessons

Lost Not Found

Ring number three. When I was a senior in high school I joined the local junior achievement program.  My friend, Bill, and I went to the organizational meeting in the fall of 1964.   Several new junior achievement companies were formed that night.   Students from high schools throughout Oakland County were invited to attend. …

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Life Lessons

If I Were You I’d

As I entered my  adult years, my dad had a habit of offering up the phrase, “If I were you I’d…”  The words that completed the phrase were his unsolicited advice.   He’d tell my sisters, or me,  what we should do given a certain situation. “If I were you I’d save the money until …

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Family Life Lessons

On The Road

My parents used to take my two sisters and me to Bowling Green, Kentucky to visit “Old Granny Barner”.   She was my grandfather’s mother but we knew her as “Old Granny Barner”.  We traveled most of the way on US – 31 which was the main highway heading south towards Bowling Green prior to …

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