Life Lessons

We Like to Help Our Friends

The week before Ruth and I left for Florida I was having trouble with my cell phone.  It wasn’t a first for me.   I’ve had trouble before.   Several years ago I had service with the S company and wasn’t receiving my voicemail messages.   I knew that people were leaving them for me  …

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Life Lessons

Mickey Lolich, Sparky Marvin, and Me

Occasionally life presents you with a unique opportunity.   This blog is one of mine.  This is the 100th post of my blogging career.  I’ve written approximately 80,000 words (including typos and misspellings).  That’s the equivalent of a 320 page thesis, a typical romance novel or personal memoire.  However, it’s far short of the 587,287 …

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Life Lessons

29 Nights

Time flies when you are having fun!  Sutton and Elizabeth completed their Michigan tour a few days ago and left for several destinations out West.  They are continuing their journey after spending the last twelve weeks in Michigan and 290 (oops) 29 nights with Ruth and me.  But who counted? To be honest, while Ruth …

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Life Lessons

Good Friends

I mentioned “good friends” in a prior story and was asked “What makes a good friend?”   I believe that friendship means different things to different people.  For some of us just knowing someone makes them a friend.  For others, an on-going relationship is an important criteria.  Here’s mine. Good friends are there whenever you …

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Life Lessons

Notepads and Gigabites

When I neared the end of the teaching  portion of my career, personal computers were just finding their way into schools.  They started in offices and made their way slowly into classrooms.  Apple, PET, Texas Instrument, Atari and several other brands made their way onto the hi-tech scene .  Life, as we knew it, changed …

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Family Life Lessons

James A. Marvin

  I met Jim Marvin about 30 years ago at a poker game. I was invited to sub with a group that he belonged to. I liked him right away. Eventually, I became a member of the group and while playing several hundred hands of cards we became good friends. The group took turns hosting …

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Life Lessons


Time is a funny thing.  When we’re young time passes very slowly.  Our next birthday and Christmas seem like they’ll never come. Summer vacations are about the only “time” of the year that time passes quickly. I was going through some old school documents from my education career and ran across the following story.   …

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Career lessons Life Lessons

My Rookie Year

I became an elementary school principal in 1977.  I had two interviews prior to getting the job.  The first was with the superintendent, Roger, the high school principal, Don, and the middle school principal, Rick.   They liked me and invited me back for a second interview which was held in a local restaurant.  This …

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