Life Lessons

A Den of Thieves

Several years ago, while all three of our children were college students, I discovered that Ruth and I had raised a den of thieves.  This is not my proudest moment as a story-teller but facts are facts.  Several months ago, when I began my new story telling blogging career, I pledged to only tell true …

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Life Lessons

Study Hard

  I began my working career  at a young age. I had a lot of jobs that helped fund my lifestyle, but most importantly taught me the importance of working for a living. I’ve been an independent contractor and I’ve “worked for the man”. I’ve been a “union man” and a “non-union man”.  I expect …

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Life Lessons

The Most Important Lesson of My Life

    The most important lesson of my life was taught to me by a seven-year old boy.   He wasn’t just any seven-year-old.   He was mine.  He turns 40 at a little after 1:00 p.m. today. Michael is the third of our three children.  We didn’t plan to have three, but like most …

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Life Lessons

Three EKGs and a Stress Test

Over the past 71 years I’ve undergone several medical procedures.   None (knock on wood) have ever discovered anything serious.  I’ve never been a big risk taker so I think that has helped me maintain my health.   I’m overweight but have never smoked.   I’d identify myself as being in good health (knock again). …

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Current Events Life Lessons

Story Telling

  I had lunch with my grandson, Brady, on Saturday and while we were talking I told him the story of three instances involving  my getting an electrocardiogram.  He laughed at the end and told me that he “loved it” when I told stories.   “You’re a good story-teller.” Later, it struck me that there …

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Life Lessons

Kitchen Poker

A few years ago there was a public campaign that asked the “average Joe” to submit an idea for a new reality TV show. The hope was that someone from somewhere would have an idea unique enough to be produced on television. I am an “average Joe” who is someone from somewhere so I submitted …

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Family Life Lessons

Bobby Unser, Paul Newman, and Me – Episode Two

    The four travelers didn’t knock on my apartment door until about 10:00.  All of that concern about nothing. They had decided to drive to Allegan before picking me up.  Uncle Harry’s parents are buried in a local cemetery and he wanted to place flowers on their grave.  After visiting the cemetery they stopped …

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Family Life Lessons

Bobby Unser, Paul Newman, and Me

The 52nd International 500 Mile Sweepstakes (AKA the Indianapolis 500) was held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Speedway, Indiana on Thursday May 30, 1968. For the second year in a row, one of Andy Granatelli’s STP Turbine-powered machines was leading late in the race, but once again, it failed within sight of victory. On …

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