Life Lessons

What I Know for Sure

What I know for sure about death and dying is limited. I’m positive there’s something else.  I just don’t know what.  If you’ve read my blogs, especially since Ruth’s accident, you know that I believe that she stops in to let me know she’s still with me. There are no big visions or conversations just …

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Life Lessons

Bird Walks and Eva

When I was an elementary school principal, Madelyn Hunter was one of several educational gurus that I followed.  She had a model for effective teaching that outlined the important parts of a good lesson plan.  I encouraged my staff to use her model.  Some did, some didn’t, but most at least gave a look see …

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Life Lessons

My Left Shoulder

I met with a second surgeon regarding my left shoulder last week.  He’s a sports medicine expert, specializing in shoulders.  He had a new ex-ray taken when I arrived and reviewed an electronic copy of my cat scan and MRI.   We talked a bit as he pulled on my arms and rattled statistics to his …

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Life Lessons

Coffee’s Ready

When I was a kid my mom and dad had a percolator to make coffee. They put water in the pot, ground coffee in a metal basket, inserted the basket into a metal tube that fit inside the percolator bottom, put the top on the percolator, placed the percolator on the kitchen stove, and fired …

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Life Lessons

Based On a True Story

If I ever publish another book, I think I’ll call it Based on a True Story. That’s what all my writing is. While I don’t look down on those who write fiction, writing about my life as the stories reappear is just easier for me. As I’ve written before, it’s the truth as I remember …

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