Life Lessons

Two Drink Minimum

I’m seriously considering buying a karaoke machine.  I’ve talked about it for a couple years, but I think it’s time to pull the trigger.  Whenever I hear songs I like, I sing along.  Mostly in the car or when I’m alone in the house.  Don’t get me wrong, I sang while Ruth was around as …

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Life Lessons

One Mississippi

When I was growing up and we were playing touch football, the linemen had to count one, one-thousand, two, one-thousand, three, one thousand, etc. before they could rush the quarterback.  We didn’t have enough kids to play all of the positions, so we usually went with a center, a quarterback, and a receiver.  The count …

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Life Lessons

Why We Write

My first real experience with writing was Mr. Miller’s eight grade English class at Clara Barton Junior High.  We had to write a piece each week.  He gave us the topic, and we did the writing.  Later in the week some of us were asked to read our compositions to the class.  I was asked …

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Life Lessons

Choose Your Words Wisely

I started writing this blog on September 15th, 2022.  Ruth’s accident was twelve days later.  Her death shuffled my priorities.  I always have a half dozen titles, or opening lines, in my “draft folder”. I placed this aside and didn’t move forward with my original thought. I planned to write about being married and take …

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Life Lessons

He Changed His Mind

The couple that bought our house loved it. They loved the way it was furnished, the view of the lake, Ruth’s eye for the smallest detail, and they told us at closing, “We could see right away that this house is filled with love.” They went on to say, “We’ll do our best to continue …

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Life Lessons

Public Service Announcement

The summer between my junior and senior year of college I dated a girl named Rene. We went out a half dozen times, making a couple trips to lake Michigan. I even brought her home once to go to somebody’s something. She was an attractive, blonde Phycology major. I called on her expertise to answer …

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