Life Lessons

A Memorable Year

I wrote a portion of this blog in 2017.  It outlined my intentions for my new hobby.  I started writing because I was concerned I’d have too much time on my hands.  I had retired from my “real job” in 2008 and was well into a consultant gig I knew wouldn’t last forever.  Writing seemed …

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Life Lessons

My New Seating Chart

The story below was among my first blog posts.  With Ruth’s passing, I’ve updated it a bit.  It’s a long read, but worth a second look. Many people – perhaps most around the world – never have the chance to share a meal at a table with their family.  I’ve been lucky to have four …

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Life Lessons

Errors in Judgement

Since Ruth’s passing, I’ve exercised several errors in judgement.  Most are simple tasks run amuck by my failure to think things through.  When she was around, we shared daily conversations about life.   We discussed our plans for the future, travel, thoughts on the kids and grandkids, current events, politics, and personal economics.  We set one …

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Life Lessons

Celebration of Life

We held a Celebration of Life for Ruth yesterday in Florida.  We’ll hold a second in Michigan in June.  Each member of our family had something to say, but we knew the words would catch in our throats, so we produced a video to share with the attendees.  We recorded our words and added several …

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