Life Lessons

Grand Rapids to Denver

I’m planning to take the train from Grand Rapids to Denver this summer.  That’s way outside my comfort zone. I’ve taken the train before but never alone. When I was a kid my sister, Sharron, and I took one from Royal Oak to Detroit with Mom on several Friday afternoons.  Grandma Barner picked us up …

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Life Lessons

Dare to Dream

Back in 2009, I marveled at the talent a forty-seven-year-old lady, Susan Boyle, displayed on Britain’s Got Talent.  It was her first chance to sing in front of a large audience.  It was the sassy lady’s big break.  Even though she came in second that year, she’s worth about forty million dollars today. Susan Boyle …

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Life Lessons


I decided to self-publish the blogs I’ve written.  I’ve been planning this since the beginning but got hung up on a format.  I hoped that my kids, their kids, and maybe their kids, would like to see the world through Ruth and my eyes.  We’d done some things worth sharing and I have family stories …

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Life Lessons

B and E

Everyone knows there’s a difference between boys and girls.  If you’ve not been a parent to both, you may not appreciate their unique idiosyncrasies.  They can come from the same place and be two different beasts.  My two sisters and I are great examples.  We’re very different. I stand in the middle of two extremes. …

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Life Lessons

A Better Way

Just before heading south last October, our condo association held an open house at one of the condo owners’ homes.  About eighty people were invited, an RSVP was requested, and after giving it some thought, I accepted the invitation. The party planner said she was happy I was attending.  On the surface I took her …

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Life Lessons

Thank You Obadiah

I have a Facebook friend, Obadiah, who posted this cartoon a few days ago.  It’s a visual representation of how people handle problems.  Two men, stuck in the same position, take two different paths.  One sits and ponders his misfortune, while the other tries something new, working to improve his lot in life.  It reminded …

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Life Lessons

Safety First

When my grandson, Brady, was old enough to comprehend simple conversations, we stressed the concept of “safety first”.  You know the drill, look both ways before crossing the street, always hold hands, watch the red, yellow, green lights, wear a life jacket near the water, don’t go with strangers, and on and on.  There are …

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