
The Ghost’s Perfume

Last fall I wrote a blog about my son-in-law, Sutton’s, appearance at a high-end venue in San Diego, California.  He opened for the group Air Supply, and Elizabeth appeared on stage with him, just as she did during an eighteen-month cross-country musical performance tour that began in the summer of 2018.   They were Sutton and …

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We hold hands for a variety of reasons: security, relaxation, show respect, connect with others, and as a sign of affection. I’m sure there are others, but I think number one is security. Touching someone in such a manner has a calming effect. When we’re young we hold hands with our parents when we cross …

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The 27th of the month has had a new meaning for me for the past several months.  This month’s 27th meant Young Jackson James turned two-years and eleven months old.  It also marked the seventeenth month since Ruth’s accident. Last month I completed a blog on the morning of the twenty-seventh.  The final touch was …

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Baby Steps

After Ruth’s accident I made a personal vow to take things slowly.  I wouldn’t make any big changes for at least a year. I’d seen others make changes too fast that they later regretted.  I didn’t want to put anyone through life altering events that we weren’t prepared to handle. Keeping both my Michigan and …

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The Tamarack Gallery

During the summer of 2018, when Elizabeth and Sutton began their fifteen-month musical tour, Ruth and I were members of their groupies.  We followed them around the State to catch a few of their shows.  We took several side trips, especially in northern Michigan, as we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and local attractions.  On one …

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Her Most Recent Visits

By now you know that I believe Ruth’s spirit is near.  I don’t experience her presence every day, but she’s around.  If she’s not with me, she’s with one of the kids or someone near to me. Michael’s birthday was July 10th.  He’s not as convinced as me that Ruth’s spirit is with us.  Some …

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Ruth Did

Ruth’s Michigan Celebration of Life last Sunday was perfect. About one hundred and fifty people joined us at the Michigan Theatre in Jackson.  They came from all over.  Friends drove in from locations throughout Michigan, some traveled a few hours and others a few minutes.  We had visitors fly in from California and Florida and …

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