
51 Years and Sixteen Days

The last few weeks have been tough.  As I make my list of things, I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving, they take on a different vibe.  Losing Ruth is the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with.  There are no manuals on how to handle grief.  You deal with each moment, not each day.  They’re all different. …

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3,887 Photos

I downloaded the photos from Ruth’s cell phone the other day.  Turns out there were 3,887.  That’s about 1,300 a year since she purchased the phone.  Some were copies of photos people sent her, but each was something she valued, because she spent many a car ride deleting those that didn’t measure up to her …

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If Ruth hadn’t had her accident, we’d start driving tonight to Florida for the winter.  We’d have spent all day today with David and his crew, and we’d be joined by Michael, Kate, and young Jackson James.  Things didn’t work out that way.  I’m still spending the day with the boys and their families, but …

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My Elephant

If you’ve read my blogs, you know my daughter, Elizabeth, wrote and published a children’s book called The Elephant On Aaron’s Chest.  It came out last February.  Ruth bought the elephant pictured below for Elizabeth in celebration of the publication. It had taken several years to finish, but great things can’t be rushed.  Great takes …

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Do You Need Anything?

Back in August, Ruth and I discussed a plan to establish a scholarship fund with a portion of our annual required minimum distribution funds.  Required minimum distributions (RMDs) are amounts that U.S. tax law requires one to withdraw annually from traditional IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans.  Ruth and I began the process of withdrawing money …

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