If I ever publish another book, I think I’ll call it Based on a True Story. That’s what all my writing is. While I don’t look down on those who write fiction, writing about my life as the stories reappear is just easier for me. As I’ve written before, it’s the truth as I remember …
This Internet Thing
I think this internet thing is gonna work out. Thank heaven Al Gore thought of it. Where would we be without Al? To be honest, some in the media falsely accused him of claiming he developed the system. If you do a google search, you’ll find this: Former U.S. vice president Al Gore never claimed …
Several years ago, perhaps as many as twenty-five, I got up early at Las Vegas’s Bally’s Casino and went down to play blackjack. There was one other man with me at the table. I sat in the first position, and he sat in the last. Neither one of us was winning or losing. We were …
The Curse of Bobby Layne
Early in life most of my opportunities to learn about the Detroit Lions came via the radio. My first recollections occurred in the barber shop where my mom or dad took me to get my hair cut. It was a few blocks from our house and owned by a pair of brothers, Henry and Pete. …
My 2023 Yearbook
Last year I published all of my blogs in a series of five books. Each one contained my stories from a single year, except the first one. I had one printed for each of the kids and me. I began writing in November of 2017, so I included my November and December posts in my …
Two Roads
I applied to be superintendent of Britton-Macon Area School in 1988. I was one of six selected to be interviewed. I had a choice of interview dates and times. I chose the final day and preferred the final time, but that slot was already taken. I believed that the first and last candidate had an …
Another Big Decision
My time in Addison was great. That’s where the kids grew up. Ruth and I lived there for forty-three years. We didn’t have Michael when we arrived, and he was forty-two, married for more than ten years, when we left. I was hired on August 16th, 1977, the day Elvis Presley died. Once I knew …
More Decisions
My first thought regarding a master’s degree was, “I’ll study to become a counselor”. I made an appointment with Western’s counseling department, and the dean of the school interviewed me. It was, without a doubt, my worst interview ever. When he asked why I wanted to get into counseling I said, “I like talking to …
I’ve been watching the most recent season of The Crown. It’s the sixth. The thing I find most interesting is most of the decisions made by the “royal family” are made by tradition. They do what is expected and not necessarily what they want to do. That’s how they operate each of their lives. The …
What Time Is It?
I don’t recall any of the kids first words. I know they each have a “baby book” and whatever they said is written in their respective book. If I was to hazard a guess, they probably offered some version of mom or dad. Probably mom. I do know David’s first sentence. We were driving home …